New Year: New Me.
[ [ . success . is . the . key . ] ]
What I plan on accomplishing in 2010 starting this moment forth:
(1st Week of the New Year = Cheat Week)
1. Now that I've finally gotten complete closure from a terrible element that once plagued my life, my goal for the future is to maintain separation from him. I've changed my cell phone number and blocked him on Facebook. Hopefully, that'll erase any possibility of any future harrassment from him -- if not, I've promised myself to press charges against him and file a restraining order against him.
2. Now that I've managed to get myself on the Dean's List, I plan on maintaining my position and getting back up to a 4.0 GPA. (since Math derailed me off course with a B- last semester) School will now be my number one priority and I will work more dilligently and be more motivated from this year onwards. Thus, all homework assignments must be completed immediately after my receival of such assignments & studying for exams and the completion of all possible extra credit assignments are absolutely imperative. Also, I will pursue any available internships or ePermits to save time & reach my graduation date more quickly.
3. After my dilligent hard work and motivation in my academic success, comes my second priority; my body. For years I have battled with yo-yo dieting, and from this year forth I plan on figuring out a successful method of maintaining a healthy weight cohesive to my goal of improving my level of self-confidence. I plan on losing weight not simply by dieting -- since I've learned failed diet after failed diet, after failed diet, that exercise is the absolute key element for my individual progress in weight-loss. So, instead of making dieting & cutting calories a main priority, I've made exercise, a full 8 hours of sleep or more a night, and consistent and proper hydration (H2O!!) my main objective.
4. Also, I've learned that my spending habits are utterly deplorable. I've got no concept of the importance and value of money and for this reason -- coming hand-in-hand with my weight goals -- I've decided that only ONCE A WEEKEND, will I allow myself to eat-out or order-in. I will cook all my meals at home and go home for lunch/ carry a lunch bag to school. All my money will now be placed in my savings account. Also, only if possible (if my school schedule permits it) I will seek a part time job perferably on the weekends to add to my savngs & work on building my credit!
5. To better assist me in my weight loss goals I'll need a new gym membership. I will also seek a nearby yoga center to honor the memory of Anil Uncle (by following his wishes) and to get spiritual cleansing.
6. Although I live in the city, I need to drive to Queens often. Thus, I must go to the DMV & get a Learner's Permit ASAP & begin working towards getting a license & building up those savings to buy a car!
7. I've come to learn that the most prevalent condition of my diagnosed ADHD is that I become very easily distracted. So, I've decided to try and reduce the "possible distractions" by putting love and the possibility of it aside until I've reached a mature point in my life where I can take a break from working on my future to even fathom a love-life possibility. Also, any socializing will be done on only weekends and drinking will be cut down to an absolute minimum of only one glass of red wine a night & for only on the weekends. I shall not permit myself to consume any other form of alchohol, no beer, liquor, champagne, etc. ONLY wine & on occasion.
So far, the above is an incomplete compilation of goals I plan on accomplishing. I will add to it & update my progress accordingly...
& Hello, Adriana Lima, may I be you?
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